Horizon Computers started its glorious journey in 1999. Being focused in only two vendors
Certifications that are Cisco & Microsoft we soon established ourselves as a premium Institute.
Level of finesse and quality we offer remains unparallel as many of our highly satisfied students
and corporate clients will vouch for.
That brings us to our pillar of strengths; "Yes" the Students themselves have been largely responsible for where we stand today. There references have never let us feel the need for those "Marketing gimmicks" our true success lies in not letting them down.
Having state of art labs and qualified faculties always ensured that we set the benchmark and lead from the front.
Honest counseling is becoming another rarity in this cut-throat era and that's were the difference starts you will be choosing a course which gives you maximum benefit and not to us.
We acknowledge the fact that teaching is becoming a dying art and thriving business but maybe you will be pleasantly surprised when you find someone who is keeping that passion alive.