Course Description:
This course Covers all Security Features of Juniper SRX Firewalll Product Candidates will receive In-Depth Training for Deployment, configuration and Troubleshooting of Juniper SRX Firewalll Features.
The Training is Level-2 Designed and Conducted by Experts. Analyzing Packet Flow Sequence, Using Syslog and Packet Capture for Detailed Understanding and Troubleshooting.
Overall 30 Hands-on Lab Developed by our Experts will be Conducted to fully Cover all Security Features. Horizon Computers Trademark Expertise in the Field of Security Means Highest level of Professional Training which enable Candidates to Deal confidently with Real Life Juniper Firewall Deployment .
Juniper SRX Firewalll Training is Conducted in Horizon Computers Vashi Vile Parle and Pune Centers.
This course is based on Junos OS Release 15.1X49-D70 and Junos Space Security Director 16.1R1